According to Bihar deputy chief minister Tejashwi Yadav, Rashtriya Janata Dal President Lalu Yadav’s kidney transplant has been successful. Lalu Prasad’s daughter Rohini Acharya donated a kidney to him. The patient has been moved to the intensive care unit (ICU)
On Twitter, Ms Acharya shared a pre-surgery photo with her father and asked her followers to wish her luck.
A kidney transplant was recommended for Mr Yadav, who has been suffering from kidney-related problems. According to NDTV, Ms Acharya will donate one of her kidneys to her father, calling herself “destiny’s child.”
Second daughter of the veteran politician, Ms Acharya frequently tweets about her parents. According to her recent tweet, “My mother and father are God to me. I can do anything for them.”
She had said she wanted to give her father a small chunk of flesh for the kidney transplant.
Former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Yadav’s eldest daughter Dr. Misa Bharti, who is a Rajya Sabha MP, tweeted an update from Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore where the surgery is being performed. Her younger sister Rohini has had a successful donor operation. She is in the ICU now and completely healthy. Dad’s operation is ongoing.”
Before her father’s surgery, she shared a photo of them together.
Mr. Yadav’s son, the incumbent Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Tejashwi Yadav, posted a video of the septuagenarian politician being wheeled out after surgery, saying, “After Papa’s kidney transplant operation was successful, he was transferred to the intensive care unit. Thank you very much for your prayers and good wishes for Rohini Acharya, the donor’s elder sister, and the National President.As a result of health issues, Mr Yadav has been out on bail after being convicted in fodder scam cases. Earlier this year, he visited Singapore for treatment, but had to return since the Delhi court had set a deadline for his foreign visit. He is currently receiving his kidney transplant in Singapore.
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