Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan Wedding Live Updates: The couple eventually tied the knot at a private resort in Mahabalipuram. Now, Vignesh Shivan has shared his much-awaited first picture with Nayanthara on social media post marriage. Their 7 year old relationship is nothing less than a modern day story and their fans cannot keep calm seeing them as husband and wife. The Kollywood couple got married on June 9 in an intimate South Indian wedding ceremony. Stay tuned to IndiNews for all the live updates from Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan’s much-awaited wedding.
Live Updates: Inside photos
Director Hari’s wife Pritha Hari, Karthi and others have a gala time at Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan’s wedding.
Nayanthara’s wedding jewellery:
Nayanthara wore a heavy choker with a seven layer neckpiece made of Goenka India diamond, rose cuts, polki and emerald. The team ensured a heritage setting for her big day. Panna studded ears and an emerald and diamond maang tikka completed her royal look.
Pooja Hegde called Nayanthara ‘the most stunning bride’ and congratulate her for the new beginnings!